Sunday, January 10, 2010

Eliminate Cat Urine Smell Pulled Up Carpet In A House That Had Cat Urine. What Can I Use To Trat Floors, Sub Floors And Walls To Elim.?

Pulled up carpet in a house that had cat urine. What can i use to trat floors, sub floors and walls to elim.? - eliminate cat urine smell

What can I use for the treatment of floors and walls to remove the smell of cat urine.


sombulld... said...

1) Open the window.
2) As a workaround, use Windex and baking soda to scrub the affected area.
3) Go to the pet store and buy PetSav'r Nature's Miracle Stain Carpet Stain Remover or PetZyme and odor.
4) Follow the instructions in your product stain remover and odor.

Good luck and good day!

jthillam said...

eeeh. This could be a job for a carpenter. Seriously, I know that smell, which, we will not and informal work.

knowital... said...

I bought a house with the same problem. We painted pulled away the carpet and carpet from the earth, then the floor with Kilz - a primer sealer. Kilz is designed to be used in seals odors and stains - also in the works of fire. This was the case for us, and we lived in the house for 12 years.

gsschult... said...

if they only bare ground or below untreated wood can be replaced if they are then maybe treat the sand and remove one or two layers. Walls can be easier to replace. The painting is what costs money for the wise.

Sunshine said...

"Knowitall" is correct. Linszen also makes a similar product. What to buy sealer stain, be sure to get the base oil. Only one or two layers, water-based (though less smelly) will be applied for five or six layers. If the floor or the walls are really lazy, they must be replaced.

melaniec... said...

You can get a good shopping and bacterial enzyme cleaner for cleaning of industrial supply chain. However, they carry pet shops. They work by the chemical composition of urine, blood, etc. This is the smell. Then you can propose with something like the others, but I wouldnt everp cat pee in the first, that just does not seem right, lol.

Eddy said...

1. Spot urine with paper towels.

2. Wash the affected area several times with white vinegar.

3. Rinse the stain with lukewarm water.

4. Dry with paper towels.

5. Enter a special stain and odor removing bacteria and enzyme cleaner.
You might want to wear rubber gloves.

Old, dry places difficult to remove. As a last resort, try sanding the stain and wood Close

Bacterial enzyme cleaners can be found in pet shops

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