Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Aids In Mozambique Did You Know That If You Buy A Pack Of Condoms In Mozambique, You'll Catch The HIV If You Use Em?

Did you know that if you buy a pack of condoms in Mozambique, you'll catch the HIV if you use em? - aids in mozambique


That is why the HIV rate in the country is so high, all these people bother to use condoms and other things. People should listen to the local bishop, because there is no way married people can have HIV. Right? RIGHT?


SpiderDi... said...

It's as stupid as the thing infected needle ball pit at McDonald's. and when a group of people who really believe that manure, then perhaps they should be exterminated.

Edit: Actually, I can think of few people I would give AIDS a condom ...

Captain Bunkum said...

The paranoid conspiracy theory of

AIDS virus does not survive longer than a few minutes outside the human body and certainly not in a package wrapped in aluminum foil covered with a condom lubricant to survive as they transported all the way to Europe to Africa.

If people actually use their brain and think it would be clear that this is a lie. When used correctly, condoms provide excellent protection against AIDS and a wide range of other sexually transmitted diseases. One of the main causes for the spread of AIDS in Africa is the fight against the stupidity of the condom propaganda and ignorance.

Zack V said...

No, no. Thanks for the heads-up.

mortgage... said...

Do you have a refund option?

Debbie said...

Condoms do not cause virus !!!!!!! What is wrong with you? Married people can be infected with HIV, has heard of blood transfusions? People like you make me sick! Do you think you are immune to the disease. The only way to have a high probability is not always an STD, is not sharing needles and having sex with a person. Another thing is, condoms can be used to prevent pregnancy, the use for us and not to children, as you have until May!

Debbie said...

Condoms do not cause virus !!!!!!! What is wrong with you? Married people can be infected with HIV, has heard of blood transfusions? People like you make me sick! Do you think you are immune to the disease. The only way to have a high probability is not always an STD, is not sharing needles and having sex with a person. Another thing is, condoms can be used to prevent pregnancy, the use for us and not to children, as you have until May!

sweetbee... said...

WOW thanks for the info

Paula Revere said...

I wish them tested in a separate facility.

Midge said...

Even atheists say that you can not argue with science and science can do is that anti-HIV molecules are smaller than the gap between the rubber molecules and pass them. No Prevents HIV.

What Me Worry said...

Oh, my goodness. I hope that some of these reactions are sarcastic, and should take with a grain of salt.

eaglecla... said...

Yes, I am tired to unprotected sex to be the disseminator of diseases and pests lowest regional be criticized.
These condoms condemned, it seems that the fears were right before God .... LMFAO the pile of ignorant ass

mikeprui... said...

No law that no one, not that the Prue Huey. The world really would be a sad place, if that is true, not true, I can tell you.

Phoenix Princess of Darkness said...

Another example of how "doing" and "church" does not jive.

Phoenix Princess of Darkness said...

Another example of how "doing" and "church" does not jive.

Phoenix Princess of Darkness said...

Another example of how "doing" and "church" does not jive.

Constant... said...

Wow, that's a bit like what you read in Weekly World News sounded

Todd T said...

One man made this statement and accept it as fact? When the Catholic bishops of the disaster that you believe that also cause cancer? Still, there are more Catholic than ever before - and most cancers.

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