Suggestions for barbecue grill web site . . .? - outdoor cooking areas
I wrote about 10 years online, but just my own site last month - in the starting line-up started. Actually, I had for all outdoor Dutch oven cooking, smoking, parties, tailgating, cooking pounds and transmission.
I can edit some more stuff and I need and to publish. Ugh. Websites are hard work.
What I was expecting, what kind of information and personal income and demand in the areas of the subject required. I see a lot of questions and answers here, so I thought you might, things that throw you like to read and learn, too.
I joined the site and spam (-: I really want an idea of what people need help, can get as much as the kitchen outdoors. I thought that taking on the ideas and write and also covers a long time to what people want to see online.
Any ideas would be great! I want a mom and dad (no pop - sorry) little space, it will be very useful.
I am always on the lookout for Marina Grande - the majority of which would be great. Hold all sorts of tips and tricks on food hot / cold reception. All new ideas, your way, keep the ideas, sauces, Gadgets links to websites or testing ...
We love the grill, and I always like to try new ideas. (I have cut for you - stick skewers in Vidalia, brush find yum with butter, salt, pepper and parsley, grilled on a skewer ...!) Ideas, as what I want to.
Good luck ... and you can e-mail Addy?
I like having large family gatherings, where the party .. come around I have good parents who are vegetarians .. I am not a vegetarian, but I had some ideas, the recipes on the grill for those who are vegetarians, such as. Thank you! And good luck with your site.
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